Thursday, February 26, 2009

18 month checkup!!

Noah went for his 18 month check up today and all was great!! For the first time since September, there was no fluid in his ears...HOORAY!! He did have to get 3 shots, which was AWFUL for both of us!! And Dr. Smalley says his eye teeth are about to come in...which he didn't have to tell me, believe you me, I already knew!! Noah is still hanging out around the 90-95 percentile on height and weight. He was 35 1/4 inches tall and weighed in at 31lbs. 12 oz. We have us a big, strong, healthy boy on our hands and we couldn't be happier! He is saying about 15-20 words and started RUNNING last week!!

1 comment:

Angela said...

What a cutie! Jill, your 18 month old weighs more than my almost 3 year old. Hehe. I think Reid is going to be a big one too!